Oh My Dear Photography

What to Wear

What To Wear

I’m sure you’re thinking, Hey! I’m an adult, I can dress myself!  But you’re wrong, you can’t!  No no, I’m just kidding.  I’m just here to offer a few helpful tips on how to enhance your whole photo experience, so here we go!

Stay true to your style!  Are you known for fun and funky clothing clothing combinations?  How about your ability to pull off that shade of bright red lipstick that no one else can pull off?  Too many people hang their awesome personal style out to dry because they feel it’s “not right” for professional portraits…but that shouldn’t be the case!  These are YOUR pictures, so they should represent YOU!  Wear what makes you feel fabulous.

Color, color, color!!  Variety, variety, variety!!  When was the last time your family went out to dinner wearing matching khakis and white button up shirts?  Umm…never?  It’s all about color coordination, so you compliment each other without wearing the exact same thing.  For example, pick a main color that you’d like everyone in the photos to wear, and then choose a different way for everyone to wear it!

Patterns and layers!  Both of these things add a lot of fun texture and variety to your photos.

But here’s my favorite way to jazz it up…


Hats, scarves, sweaters, hair accessories, jewelry, bowties, suspenders…the list goes on!  Accessories are a fabulous way to get a lot more out of one outfit, because just a few simple changes can make a noticable difference.

Still feeling stuck?  Here’s a list of great places to get outfit inspiration.

J. Crew


Crewcuts (for the little ones)


Old Navy

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